
Production Unitel Engineering production is a high-quality equipment for entire product line and integrated technical solutions in all business activites of Company. All necessary equipment, production tools and measuring devices are available for entire production cycle.

Production area is more than 2000 sq.meters. 

Production capacity: about 1000 units of products per year, potential is more than 5000 units of products per year.

Modern assembly production, focused on projects.

Modular construction is used on the assembly production of projects cabinets that provides an opportunity to standardize production process, to eliminate the posibility of assembling defects, to reduce labour intensity significantly and, as a result, to reduce prime cost and production time while maintaining the quality and reliability of equipment.

Serial production of equipment and products.

Development and implementation of serial production process includes the following successive phases:

  • research and justification of product's development;
  • preparation of Technical Task (TT);
  • product development (making of pilot (prototype) equipment, pilot set of equipment and its testing);
  • product certification;
  • launch of new product.

Manufactured serial equipment is used as a technical solution of Unitel Engineering LLC and as a finished product for Customer.

Contracted production is an order based production on the Unitel Engineering production capacity in accordance with the Contract. Contracted production guarantess full compliance with technological cycle and finished product qualiy control in accordance with Customer's requirements. 

To conclude an Assembly Agreement, the minimal documentation package should be provided:

  • detailed documentation (the Task from the Customer);
  • assembly drawings;
  • circuit schematics;
  • installation schemes;
  • assembly technology scheme (in the absence of made by Unitel Engineering).

The specification issue is considered separately:

  • raw materials completely supplied by customer;
  • raw materials partly supplied by customer;
  • supplier's specification.

All types of production are implemented due to construction and technological documentation and consist of clear sequence of production steps:

  • all components, arriving at an assembling, pas through complete or selective control;

  • additional machine operating is performed at fitters area (punching holes for buttons, switchers, light signaling equipment);

  • technical control department conducts interoperational inspection of all production steps;

  • after final assembly the equipment is tested and random selective unspection by programs and techniques is conducted;

  • all products are completed with constructional, technical and maintenance documentation;

  • after the detailed output checking the mark in the final product's passport is made - by Quality control department, responsible employee and date of production;

  • packaging of equipment is made in accordance with norms and standarts, provides protection from moisture and corrosion.


All production processes are implemented in accordance with the interal Company's standard requirements as a part of the existing management systems.